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Do you want to create more targeted messaging for your audience? No problem! In fact, research suggests messages are more effective when they target a specific audience or group of people. Before you get started, here are a few guidelines we ask you to follow:

  1. You're welcome to use any existing materials in the Take 5 toolkit or create new ones using your own branding, but this must be done at your own expense. We cannot provide design or printing of any materials.

  2. In developing your own materials, you must include the Take 5 logo and give credit to the campaign by including a link or URL back to 

  3. The Take 5 steps cannot be changed, but language surrounding each step can be customized to fit your audience. If you have questions about your changes, you can contact us.

  4. Take 5 does not provide translated materials. The Take 5 steps have been translated into Spanish and Catalan (courtesy of Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu). Any other desired language must be done on your own. We apologize for this inconvenience. If you would like to contribute/donate a translation of the Take 5 steps or other pages on the website, please contact us.


See below for examples from past years of how you can customize the Take 5 to Save Lives 5 action steps and reach your target audience.

Customize Take 5 for Your Audience

Examples of custom Take 5 materials

The American Academy of Emergency Medicine Resident and Student Association (AAEM/RSA)

AAEM/RSA created custom social media posts for their audience to use and share on social media. The Take 5 action steps stay the same but they customized the graphics with their own company images. They posted these images on their website and made they accessible for anyone to use and download. 

The American Academy of Emergency Medicine

AAEM added a Take 5 to Save Lives custom image to the homepage carousel of their website to increase visibility of Take 5 to Save Lives. The image link to more information supporting Take 5 and World Suicide Prevention Day. 

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